Archive for tolerance of islam

She attacked my religion and I attack back!

Posted in christian, christianity, holy trinity, ignorance, ignorance of people, islam, jews, judaism, media, Mohammed (saw), muslim, muslims, religion, stereotypes, stereotypes of islam, telling lies, the son of God, think for yourself, tolerance of islam, treatment of people who refuse to convert to islam, unplanned pregnancy, US isnt a christian nation, wrong information about islam with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 5, 2008 by sweetangel16175

someone commented on my comment on do jews, christians, and muslims worship in the same God?
i said yes and that person commented and said this and this is my reaction…

don’t feel discouraged or put off.
well i am and its the truth, theres only one God and we all worship him.

Lots of people believe what you said to be true.
It isn’t true, but not having studied this doesn’t make you a bad person or a stupid one.
EXCUSE ME? if you really did have studied this stuff, you would have found out that its the opposite.

Muslims are commanded to destroy infidels.
i didnt even know what was an infidel until like very recently…
thats one more stereotype that the MEDIA portrays. we are NOT commanded to “destroy” the infidels.
THINK ABOUT IT! if we were commanded to do that, then there would be no christians and jews in the middle east! if you look for christians and jews there, you will find out, OH MY GOD! there are christians and jews in the middle east… GOD! PEOPLE THINK!!!! THE MEDIA IS TAKING AWAY UR MINDS!

True, in other places in the Koran, they’re commanded to be tolerant of the “people of the book”, but later Koranic passages take precidence over earlier ones. Even the earlier passages are repressive of “infidels”, but the later ones are pretty terminal with regard to treatment of people who refuse to convert to or, even worse, who convert away from Islam.
what the crap? what are you talking about here? treatment of people who refuse to convert to islam, or even divert away from islam… we treat them like people… we dont treat them like dogs and make them convert or we will shoot. if they dont want to convert, its their choice… not ours….

Jews have an incomplete view of God.
Muslims have a different God.
how the crap do we have a different God? please elobrate on that…

Or to put it their way, Christians and Jews worship three gods (the father, the mother, and the son)
wait i thought it was the father, the son, and the holy spirit…
not sure that the jews worship three Gods too… if you do research, instead of listening to the media, you might know just a tad bit more than you know right now… or maybe a lot more… it depends on how much research you do on this topic here.

Mohammed got his ideas of what Christians believe from the gnostics
our prophet (saw) did NOT get his ideas from the Christians, he was NOT even living near Christians to begin with…. he was living near people who worshiped statues…

Mohammed (saw) said: “Far be it from god that he should have a son.”
i think here, he is talking about God having a son and if you think about it, if you define the word son,
you have to have a wife for a son and the son has to have been given birth by the wife!

Historically, the Muslim god evolved from the moon god. Originally, El Al had three daughters (in deference to the people of Mecca, who were, at the time, militarily superior to Mohammed). Mohammed wanted his people to have their own monotheistic religion, like everybody else. So he created one by taking bits from Judaism and Gnostic “Christianity” and adding in a few of his own inventions.
where the crap did you get this information… what the crap is the “moon god?”
he was not even living near the jews.

Who knows. Maybe he really did see an “angel” who gave him decrees. Satan presents himself as an angel of light. I think it more likely he, like Joseph Smith of more modern times, invented the whole thing for personal gain.
what the crap would he had gained? he couldnt even read or write… and if he did make all this up… then he was so accurate in his predictions and the only thing who could have given him those predictions is God… 

Mohammed was mure successful at actually benefitting from his new religion than Smith was.
Mohammed lived in luxury,
he lived in poverty

having 13 wives,
he had 9 wifes and that was the only prophet who could have that many wives

one 6 years old when he married her, great power, and all the luxuries he admonished his followers to shun.
i dont think he married a 6 year old… but i know he didnt have “great power and luxuries.” so explain to me what luxuries he had…

As to living lives of integrity, Hear, Hear! You are absolutely right, Lee. There’s no need to debate Muslims.
OUCH that hurts.

They have their own problems. What they need from us is not condemnation or logical or historical reasons to leave Islam.
*sigh* i would never leave islam, even if there was a gun to my head and someone saying to leave it.

They need to see our love, which is pretty hard to see sometimes
we dont hate you! and we know u dont hate us!

Especially since they really believe the US is a Christian nation–ouch!
well its kinda too bad that the US isnt a Christian nation,
because if it was, i would have great respect for it… more than i do for it now.
religion brings order to your life… instead of going through life doing whatever you want, like having sex before you are married or drinking when ever you want and then becoming addicted to alcohol after that and THEN wishing you have never started to drink in the first place, or ending up to have sex and ending up pregnant and then you have a baby and unplanned pregnancy or getting high from cocaine or LSD or any other drug and then getting angry and end up beating your child or wife, you have order in your life and you know not to do these thing because your religion is protecting you from doing those things…

Guess whos ignorant now?

all-in-all, i really have no idea where you got this information and its really sad that whoever is giving you doesnt know what he’s talking about and is giving you wrong information because then you will never know the truth and its a sad day when people don’t know the truth and they talk because it makes them look so stupid here…



If Islam really taught violence….

Posted in christian, christianity, christians and jews in the middle east, if you open your eyes, ignorance, ignorance of people, images in the media, islam, islam and violence, jews, lack of understanding, media, muslim, muslims, negative images in the media, religion, speaking out, stereotypes, stereotypes of islam, telling lies, terrorism, the truth about islam, think about it, think for yourself, tolerance of islam, treatment of people who refuse to convert to islam, truth, violence and islam, war, war in iraq with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 5, 2008 by sweetangel16175

5 to 8 million muslims live here in the united states

if islam really taught violence, then ask yourself, “WHERE IS THE VIOLENCE?”

so all that kill all the infidel stuff is nonsense,
because if it was true,